I spent so long filing and sanding that gorgeous copper speech balloon that I was pretty reluctant to spray paint it and cover it in ground ready to etch. I mean look at those beautifully beveled edges! (I can brag because I'm
not so great at that kind of stuff. But I'm learning fast here.) I would have been happy to just pin it to the wall just like that. But that ain't printing…
All sorts of things moving along at a pace. Feels like pages are taking shape. Apart from silkscreen which has paused whilst it's so humid and wet here (nothing dries). Mildly frustrating but it makes room for other things…
Seem to have spread myself across both the silkscreen and the intaglio studio walls now… this is just one of the rooms.
Seem to have spread myself across both the silkscreen and the intaglio studio walls now… this is just one of the rooms.