
The Memory of Light or Between a Rock and a Hard Place

'Rocks (and all other
material things) serve as our model for things that behave "well"; certainly they behave very differently from shadows: two rocks cannot occupy the same space, and a rock is no longer the same rock if we smash it to pieces. If we meld two rocks together, we create a new, third rock, and the other two disappear. A rock seems to move through space in a continuous manner. If we leave a rock somewhere, we come back to to find it in the same place; and if we cannot find it, we know that's because someone moved it.'

Robert Casati

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Some potentially unanswerable questions of dubious merit:

1. Do shadows exist at night?

2. Is night just one big shadow?

3. Why are shadows regarded, on the whole, so negatively, when they are so utterly and essentially part of our existence? [See question 2.]

4. What's the difference between 'in the shadow' and 'in the shade'?

5. If shadows are the absence of light then does that mean that the inside of an object is in shadow?

6. Are shadows the best, the only example of a two-dimensional object?

7. Can shadows 'layer', or do multiple shadows become one?