Tresses vol. I
'For those people who are partially bald and wish to cover the bald area, transplants, hair weaving and hairpieces are the most commonly used solutions. The cost of covering bald areas by one of these methods can range from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars depending on a person's choice and financial means. Some of these commonly used bald area coverings require periodic care, which generally costs money. Obviously a partially bald person without the financial means can not afford the luxury of such hair coverings. This person, therefore, has few options; he can attempt to use his own hair to cover the bald area, but generally most people do not have the ability to properly plan a hair style that will look good, and most attempts result in brushing the hair in one direction over the bald area, or he can allow his baldness to show.'
Method of concealing partial baldness. U.S. Patent 4,022,227
Hair tutorial: Drawing the Updo Hair. Source: Gas 13
Hair tutorial: Drawing the Human Hair. Source: Gas 13
Source: Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society of Britain
Still hankering after hair. Been collecting interesting renderings. There's some pretty special stuff out there…
That there exists a patent for the lowly comb-over? I'm not sure how that can possibly work.
Photoshopped hair dos floating in space, unattached to face or scalp. I love them.
A leaflet for the Jehova's Witnesses delivered through the door in Bristol and then again in Falmouth. Jesus Christ has the softest looking beard I've ever come across.